Tuesday, February 14, 2012

                                                 "Why Women Wash Dishes"

   The story was about the couple arguing who will wash their dishes and they have an agreement that whoever the first to talk will always wash the plates,their dishes every after meal.The agreement begin and both act like a statue.Then their neighbor went to their home to get something and notice that the couple facing each other without any noise and thought that there are bad spirit inside their body and immediately called a "kwak doctor" then the kwak doctor ordered to get two coffin for the couple thinking that are already dead. Then man lifted Ka Ugong first to his coffin then Ka Maldang will be the next and she does'nt want to to be put at the coffin so she opened her eyes and shouted...dont touch me...! Then Ka Ugong stood up and and shouted Ka Maldang that she talked first. And Ka Ugong win the game. That's why it is titled.."Why Women Wash Dishes".This was a nice story especially if you read the whole story, you will surely laugh. This story we can reflect and relate the spanish time before where in women are not allowed to go to school only men are allowed and who will look a job for his family and women will only be in the house doing the household chores.

                        We are all feminist now.Aside from a few hard-core traditionalists, just about everyone now accepts as a given taht both men and women will have an education,a career,and a public life.each and everyone of us benefits daily from the greater participation  of women in our society : we used medicine developed by women,we use products designed by women,we live by laws written by and voted on by women and so on. By lowering the barriers that presented women from developing to their fullest extent in the past,we have effectively doubled the pool of talent that we have as a society draw on.

                         The idea that a women can't be this or that is falcified by the reality that there is virtually no job category that women have'nt entered and exelled in.Real men encourage those around them,male or female,to realize their fullest potential,regardless of their own or other's preconception.That's feminism.
There is no "men's work",and "women's work",there is only work.

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